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Featuring specially commissioned artworks, a podcast series, and a selection of timely essays, Sreda online magazine offers a nuanced view on culture and contemporaneity. Content is available for a limited period of time and updated every other Wednesday. The Russian word ‘sreda’ means both Wednesday and the natural, geographical, and social environment.

The Dice Are Rolled, 2024

Multi-channel audio installation

V–A–C Sreda online magazine continues its three-month programme dedicated to the place, role, and transformation of sound in contemporary art and everyday life. In this issue, we publish the collective final project of the Sound Basis: From Music to Sound laboratory for artists and musicians held at the Vaults Center for Artistic Production.

The work is built around Stéphane Mallarmé’s poem A Roll of the Dice (1897), which reflects a compositional technique based on the principle of chance. The meaning of Mallarmé’s text is revealed through a sonic event that draws on voice, field recording, and synthetic sound, as well as generative visual elements. Thus, the composition contains several modes of interaction with the viewer—moving freely from one to part of the work to another, we unwittingly participate in the process of recreating word, meaning, and sound.

Working group

Roman Golovko, composer, workshop leader
Mikhail Myasoedov, Marusya Nesterova, sound artists, teachers
Tatiana Sokhareva, guest curator


Daria Antsiferova
Yulia Gogoleva
Pavel Dorokhov
Ilya Rodionov
Katya Ulitina

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