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Featuring specially commissioned artworks, a podcast series, and a selection of timely essays, Sreda online magazine offers a nuanced view on culture and contemporaneity. Content is available for a limited period of time and updated every other Wednesday. The Russian word ‘sreda’ means both Wednesday and the natural, geographical, and social environment.

Kai Lab
Laser Microphone, 2019

Laser, light sensor, custom analogue circuitry, aluminum enclosure, water

Kai Lab designer: Sean Malikides
© CYFEST 16, Yerevan Botanical Garden, Armenia, 2024.
Video by Ann Prilutckaia

V–A–C Sreda online magazine presents a new three-month programme dedicated to the place, role, and transformation of sound in contemporary art and everyday life.

In this issue, we publish a work by the Kai Lab team. Laser Microphone is an interactive sound object that amplifies the smallest physical vibrations and transmits them to the listener through special headphones or speakers. The device makes it possible to study sounds inaccessible to the human ear in natural conditions—for example, the sound of insect wings vibrating.

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