Hidden Water: Sunken Artefacts 

V–A–C Sreda online magazine continues its three-month podcast series on water and its significance in culture, art and folklore, in collaboration with the Tolk audio platform.

In the new episode we talk about the myths of the underwater world and analyze one of the most famous legends about the sunken Kitezh-grad. Did it really exist? Why does myth remain one of the ways to know the world? How is underwater archaeology organized and what is a hydroacoustic anomaly?

V–A–C Sreda editor Maxim Shibaev discussed these and other questions with Mikhail V. Stroganov, Doctor of Philological Sciences and Professor, Varvara E. Dobrovolskaya, Candidate of Philological Sciences and storyteller, and Roman Prokhorov, underwater archaeologist, restorer and employee of the Underwater Research Centre of the Russian Geographical Society. The legend of the sunken Kitezh-grad was voiced by actor Sergei Annenkov.

Please send your feedback, ideas, or suggestions to: sreda@v-a-c.org

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