Pluto in Aquarius:

V–A–C Sreda online magazine continues its three-month series of podcasts devoted to space and its reflection in culture, art, and utopian dreams of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

In this episode, we talk about magic and astrology. What is synastry? Did Carl Gustav Jung influence the connection of magic and science? What caused the rise in Soviet society’s interest in the supernatural in the 1980s and 1990s? And what happens to those who enter a shaman’s hut?

V–A–C Sreda editor Maxim Shibaev discussed these and other questions with Ekaterina Dais, a candidate of cultural studies, philosopher, and critic; Hovhannes Hakobyan, a candidate of historical sciences; and Alexei Konakov, an independent researcher of late Soviet culture specialising in the Stagnation period.

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