Not By Book Alone: Saprykin and Aksenov

V–A–C Sreda online magazine presents the first podcast as part of a special issue, dedicated to the phenomenon of singularity in art, timed to coincide with the Festival of Singular Films at GES-2 House of Culture. The Festival of Singular Films features Russian premieres of some of the finest international debut films of the year, along with a special section dedicated to classic and lesser-known films.

In this episode, we talk about the “one-book writers”. What is the peculiarity of this phenomenon? Who can be considered the author of only one work? Who is the king of poets and what does Brezhnev have to do with that?

V–A–C Sreda chief editor Daniil Belltsov discussed these and other questions with journalist, critic Yuri Saprykin and editor of the Common Place publishing house Ivan Aksenov.

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